North Attleborough GOP

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Purple Heart

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Lest anyone think they don’t live in historical times read a newspaper from January 20, 2025! If your reading this verbiage then you need not pinch yourself. This is it , the awakening. Our party must rise!

As a lad of eight our family planed and enjoyed a trip to Washington D.C. With an escort from a Congressional chauffeured limousine service, care of Congressman Joe Martin we enjoyed the District of Columbia sites, sounds, smells, antics, mayhem and history for the week. Particularly memorable was our trip to the Oval Office and the floor of the House where Speaker Martin had presided for two separate sessions of congress. Both the Truman & Eisenhower administrations experienced bipartisanship which the country is sorely in need of even now.

As a family we met several members of congress in their offices as well as about town. North Attleboro’s favorite son had so many friends from decades of politicking in our Nations Capital. My most memorable encounter was with Illinois Senator Everett Dirkson, as he hobbled off the elevator in Senate Chambers on crutches from recent surgery. Pulling away from my mothers grip I ran and tugged his pant leg addressing him, “Senator Dirkson, what is the most difficult thing a politician deals with?” Seven members of my family wondering how I even knew this guys name! He looked down at me behind his horned rimmed glasses with a furrowed brow replying only “APATHY”. He looked at my mother and father and the family with his broad smile, spoke briefly with my Dad, who by now apologetically had grabbed my hand. My youthful locks ruffled by his aged hand he hobbled off with his aids to a meeting we all supposed. In a moonstruck kind of way I blurted out to my siblings “what does apathy mean”.

We all know what it is but if I were with the Senator today my follow up question would have something to do with “what does apathy do to our political system?”

Our country, state nor town is so complex that we can not individually engage in it’s political arena. A forum that allows the ideas of it’s citizens to be expressed and discussed for the good of all, or at least the most. This exchange in great part will shape future life and is a great part of what being American is.

If one our most unalienable right’s as a free American is to vote surely one of our most unalienable freedoms is to participate in our society which holds those rites. Through face to face participation, personal, in the room honest of goodness contact with others with the exchange of ideas, personalities, beliefs and life’s experiences to make a better a way so that others may be included and hopefully follow is the goal.

Should circumstances have allowed you to volunteer your life in the defense of our great country you know all too intimately the meaning of words and the frustration of the Senators comment from my inquiry in my childhood. Should fortune have held a different path surely the thought of “what can I do” has crossed your mind.

Now is the time to participate, to engage, become involved with our system of government. It is during these times of historic precedent that citizens react to circumstances before them. Our party system in our country depends on it’s citizenry who belong because others have given so much in the belief that democracy is the gold standard.

No other form of government in history has stood the test of time that America has. Not Aristotle not Rousseau not Roosevelt have withstood the principles of democracy we have before us here in Massachusetts in 2025. As civilized beings we function best with less dependence from others, less government, less taxes and a free market system.
A genuine effort to have you participate is extended on behalf of the North Attleboro Republican Town Committee. Please join our growing organization as we seek to engage in the government for the people, by the people and with the people.

I believe there to be more people with talents who would love to contribute some time or effort towards growing our Committee and I hope you will consider this an open invitation to join us at our next meeting and share them along with your participation. The only thing you might loose is your apathy!